Kambah 4 Peaks

Kambah 4 Peaks

Thu 25th Apr 2024



Wanna get your match fitness in for the Urban Worn Boot Bash or just keen to walk a few urban peaks in the Kambah area without having to walk 30kms?
How about a 20km walk visiting Mt Taylor, Mt Arawang, Mt McQuoids and Urambi Hill, 560 ascents.
The map above was provided by a CBC friend who did this walk 2021. I may make some minor modifications to that walk but overall, I'll be following what they did in 2021. Like to think it will be completed in less than 6 hours.

Additional Information

Booking deadline

Mon 22nd Apr 2024 06:00pm





Distance (km or hrs)






Map name

Canberra, Tuggeranong 1:25000 topographic maps

Terrain information

Mixture of foot/cycle path, fire trail, foot pad, off trail mainly walking through grasslands and a bit of scrub.

Transport information

Kambah - Drive yourself to the meet point communicated to booked walkers after bookings close. May have a different meeting place than the usual carpark adjacent to a reserve. 😉

A walk or similar activity with a duration of a day or part day. No overnight gear required.

Date and Time

Start: Thu 25th Apr 2024 @ 08:00am
Approx Return: Thu 25th Apr 2024 @ 02:00pm
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