Evening Stroll - Urambi Hills

Evening Stroll - Urambi Hills

Thu 15th Feb 2024


Part-day walk

Bring a torch and meet at 6:30 on Learmonth Drive (Turn from Athlon Drive into Learmonth Drive, pulling over to the left, about 100metres from the traffic lights). We will enjoy a pleasant stroll with views. Please book as usual via Bilby. If walk cancelled for any reason (e.g., too hot, too wet) valid participants will be notified via Bilby by 5:30pm on day of the walk.

Additional Information

Booking deadline

Thu 15th Feb 2024 05:00pm





Distance (km or hrs)






Map name


Terrain information

Mostly on track with sections off track through grassland. Long pants and/or gaiters recommended.

Transport information

Drive yourself.

A walk or similar activity with a duration of a day or part day. No overnight gear required.

Date and Time

Start: Thu 15th Feb 2024 @ 06:30pm
Approx Return: Thu 15th Feb 2024 @ 08:15pm
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