Canberra Centenary Trail Parts 2+3 – Horse Park Dr to Hall (aka Worn Boot Bash)
Fri 13th Jan 2023
Keen on walking at night, or want to try it? Let’s walk the northern section of the CCT, combining most of stage 2 with stage 3. Around 32km and 800vm, starting from Horse Park Drive and walking through Goorooyarroo, Muligans Flat and across to Hall. An opportunity to do only 13km to Forde, if you leave your car there when we set up the car shuttle. We’ll do a couple of Goorooyarroo hills before it gets dark. This trip could be regarded as an urban fringe Worn Boot Bash (Gooroo Hill, Oak Hill, One Tree Hill) and qualifies for RU⇧4it! Start at 6pm, finish around 3am or so – night walking is a bit slower. Car shuttle required. Bring plenty of tucker from the 5 food groups – salt, fat, sugar, chocolate, coke. A head torch is needed, preferably with a red light option so we don’t destroy our night vision. Sunset at 8:21, just see at 8:50. photo | Canberra lights from near Oak Hill
A walk or similar activity with a duration of a day or part day. No overnight gear required.
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