BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Wednesday walk, NPA Sponsored - Medium/Hard UID:20250326T075000-3293@ DTSTART:20250326T075000 DTSTAMP:20250326T075000 DESCRIPTION:**Bookings not required for Wednesday Walks.** Mount Domain circuit via Snowy Corner Leader: Philip Gatenby for NPA, contact: philip or 0401 415 446 Walk from Mountain Creek car park on the footpad to Snowy Corner. This is a very steep 540 m ascent in just o ver 2 km. It can be very hot if the sun is out. We then follow the Tidbi nbilla ridge south to Mount Domain on a combination of footpad and off t rack. From Mount Domain's summit continue south for almost a kilometre t hen descend steeply off track on an ill defined spur north-east to Ashbr ook Trail which is followed back to Mountain Creek. Distance of 12 km an d a total climb of just under 900 m. A combination of track, footpad and off track with patches of thick scrub and rock scrambling. Suitable for fit, experienced off track walkers. Bring plenty of water. Meet: Kambah Village shops at 7:50 am for an 8 am departure Drive: 65 km, $10 per pe rson. Note: Tidbinbilla entry fee applies Map: Tidbinbilla 1:25,000 Weat her: at this stage for Canberra on Wednesday - partly cloudy, temperatur e 13-29 degrees, slight chance of a shower Those doing their first Wedne sday walk and also prospective walkers who are not members of the BBC, N PA or CBC clubs must contact the leader to discuss the level of difficul ty of the walk. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR