BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Fitness training walk - Mt Majura ( 8 April) UID:20250408T170000-3280@ DTSTART:20250408T170000 DTEND:20250408T184000 DTSTAMP:20250408T170000 GEO:-35.239566;149.16575 DESCRIPTION:Fitness training walks up Mount Majura on Tuesday evenings w ill be extended into April. The walk starts from the car park at the Ant ill Street entrance to the Majura Nature Reserve next to the end of the houses in Hackett (332 Antill Street). We'll walk up to the Mount Majura summit via a series of firetrails and well formed walking tracks. The r oute takes in some of the steepest firetrails in Majura Nature Reserve. FOLLOWING THE END OF DAY SAVING PLEASE NOTE THE NEW START TIME OF 5:00 P M. If the weather looks unsuitable for the walk, I will advise all parti cipants with valid bookings by 4 pm if the walk is still on or not. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR