BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Movie - The Great White Whale @ Palace Electric UID:20250324T183000-3256@ DTSTART:20250324T183000 DTEND:20250324T204000 DTSTAMP:20250324T183000 GEO:-35.285098;149.123085 DESCRIPTION:There's a cinema film coming to Canberra you really shouldnâ €™t miss. The Great White Whale film has won eight international awards including three Grand prizes. It even won the Audience Choice Award at t he recent International Mountain Film Festival in Cervinia Italy, provin g that this wonderful true story transcends language barriers. It chroni cles the first ascent of Mawson’s Peak on Heard Island in 1964 by an A ustralian team. They sailed to Heard Island on a small boat skippered by the famous British Explorer Bill Tilman. Its one of the least known yet most audacious Australian adventures of the 20th century. Join me for t his movie on those first attempts to climb Big Ben, the smoking glacier ringed volcano on Heard Island, Australia’s loneliest, most remote out post. It’s a tale told with quirky humour by those who were there, bac ked up with their beautifully shot archival footage. Paul Jarman’s bri lliant musical score pays tribute to the utter boldness of the quest, br inging to life this little known moment in Australian history. No need t o book for this event, just get your ticket and join me. https://events. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR