BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Wednesday walk Medium-Hard: unnamed creek in Tallaganda UID:20250226T081500-3248@ DTSTART:20250226T081500 DTEND:20250226T160000 DTSTAMP:20250226T081500 GEO:-35.425015;149.53634 DESCRIPTION:On this walk we will be cascade-hunting by following an unna med tributary of Mulloon Creek, in northern Tallaganda NP. The aim is to follow the creek as closely as possible, even where that means wet feet . We start with a car shuffle. The first 1.5 hours of walking will be th rough forest, some semi-open, some scrubby, some dotted with purple Dian ella berries. For the next couple of hours we will follow the creek down stream, then upstream beside Mulloon Creek, ending at the pleasant Mullo on camping area for afternoon tea. The leader has done this walk previou sly by looking at the 1 km-long chain of cascades on the unnamed creek f rom nearby spurs, but not followed the creek closely. The image shows th e creek upstream of where it starts to get properly interesting . The wa lk is a mix of easy and hard - easy because it is nearly all downhill or flat, will be at a moderate pace with time for some photography, and th e water levels are a little below average. Hard because it is almost all off-track. A few sections are scrub-covered boulder fields. There are s teep, loose slopes. Some rock scrambling. Walking poles not recommended for most of the day: they are more likely to be a liability than a help in the rough sections. We will drive part of the Sth Black Range managem ent trail, which is best done with AWD/4WD. Meet at the Spotlight Queanb eyan carpark at 8.10 am, ready for a departure no later than 8.15 am. If there are not enough AWD/4WDs, it will be first come, first served. Bri ng shoes you are happy to get wet, and dry foot gear to leave in the car . No need to book. If you are uncertain of your ability to do this walk please contact the leader at least 24 hours prior to the walk. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR