BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Wedesday walk Medium CBC sponosed 12 February UID:20250212T083000-3237@ DTSTART:20250212T083000 DTSTAMP:20250212T083000 DESCRIPTION:Bookings not required for wed walks. SERENITY ROCKS - Medium Leader: JOHN DANARO We start at the Lowden Trig F T, which is some 7 km past Rossi in the Tallaganda State Forest, left on the Lowden Road, and continue for some 3 or so km, before entering into a foot/trail bike track towards Serenity Rocks. The Tallaganda forest c an receive more rain than Canberra, so the track can be muddy at places, and there are some 5 or so creek crossings, so walking poles will assis t with the crossings. The track is also rocky in places and there is a s mall amount of off-track walking. There are also quite a number of pictu resque fern trees littered along the various creeks and track. There is also reasonable shade on the walk. Most of the climbing will be done in the cooler morning, and the expected return back at the cars should be a t around 3.00pm. Suitability: this walk is suitable for those walkers (l ike me) that have overindulged at Christmas and are still in the process of shedding those extra weights and getting fit for the harder walks. M eet at the Spotlight carpark, right on the Kings Hwy, as you leave Quean beyan for Bungendore, ready for a 8.30 am departure. Maps: Bendoura and Bombay 1: 25,000 Distance: around 14 km, with an altitude around or arou nd 500m. Weather: Warm, but a fraction cooler than Canberra. Transport: around $12 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR