BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania UID:20261219T090000-3229@ DTSTART:20261219T090000 DTEND:20270105T090000 DTSTAMP:20261219T090000 GEO:-4.1337;37.8088 DESCRIPTION:Interested in a real adventure? Want to challenge yourself a nd climb Africa’s highest peak (5,895m), and the highest free standing mountain in the world? I am seeking interest for a group of 10 walkers to participate in an 8 day trek to Mount Kilimanjaro with the support of a licensed trekking company. Mt Kilimanjaro can only be climbed with th e support of licensed guides. No technical mountain climbing skills are necessary, although this is nonetheless a serious hike requiring long di stance walking each day and adjustment to altitude. We will be hiking th e Lemosho Route on the western side of the mountain, arguably the best a ll-round route for scenery and acclimatisation starting with two days in the forest before crossing the Shira Plateau and joining the main route to the summit. This is a special once in a lifetime trip that includes a rare opportunity to spend one night at crater camp next to the Furtwan gler Glacier (expected to disappear by 2050), inside the dormant crater of Kilimanjaro, followed by a sunrise climb to Uhuru Peak. Hike start da te to occur sometime between 19 and 29 December 2026 pending consultatio n with the group. For photographers there is a full moon over Kilimanjar o on 24 December 2026. There is an additional option of a 5 day safari a fterwards organised by the same tour company. Approximate costs of the f ully supported hike (guides, porters, all meals, camping, fees etc) is a pproximately $4500.00 ($US $2750). Does not include airfares from Austra lia to Kilimanjaro International Airport. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR