BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Wedesday walk E/M BBC sponosed 5 February UID:20250205T000000-3228@ DTSTART:20250205T000000 DTSTAMP:20250205T000000 DESCRIPTION:bookings not required for wed walks. Cotter Dam and Mt. McDo nald’s lookout loop Leader: Dave Abela 0482 802 050. tangodancing4me@g This is a closed loop walk on mainly fire trails. There are man y excellent views across the Cotter lake and beyond as we make our way t o the lakes edge for a morning tea stop. We will continue onwards with m ore good views till we reach the horse paddocks at the back of Uriarra v illage. Then it’s a climb to the top of Mt. McDonald followed by mostl y downhill sections back to the cars. The weather forecast at this early stage is for 33 degrees and possible showers. If it turns out to be a h ot day, we will have the option around mid morning to shorten the walk t o about 9 kms instead of 13 kms… with a finish around lunchtime. Dista nce: 13.8 kms (…or 8.5 kms, or 5 kms, if the weather is hot) Climb: 46 5 mtrs Map: Cotter Dam Meeting: The Weston Creek Tennis Courts Carpark, Dillon Close, directly opposite and north of McDonalds at Cooleman Court . 8.20 am for an 8.30 am departure. Cars: $5 per passenger. Weather fore cast: Temperature Max 33 degrees, 90% chance of light showers and possib le storm. Please Note: 1. If the weather becomes unpleasant or dangerous , there are a few places where we can significantly shorten the walk fro m 13.8 to 9 or even 5 kms. 2. Ensure that you bring a hat, sunscreen and have plenty of water. Those doing their first Wednesday walk and also p rospective walkers who are not members of the BBC, NPA or CBC clubs must contact the leader to discuss the level of difficulty of the walk. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR