BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Leaning Rock Falls UID:20250221T063000-3225@ DTSTART:20250221T063000 DTEND:20250223T183000 DTSTAMP:20250221T063000 GEO:-36.377605;148.37527 DESCRIPTION:Leaning Rock Falls is located in rugged country on Windy Cre ek, above the Geehi Reservoir in Kosciuszko National Park. On this 3-day trip, we will camp both nights on Windy Creek and visit the falls on th e middle day. Day 1: Starting from Guthega, walk north up ridge to SH199 3 and continue onto the Rolling Ground a short way before dropping down into Windy Creek to camp. 11 km, 500 m ascent, 350 m descent. Day 2: Wit h daypacks, an exploratory day walking the creek line down to the falls and return. Expect rock hopping, wet creek walking, thick scrub and rock scrambling. 10 km, 350 m descent and ascent. Day 3: Follow Windy Creek up to Consett Stephen Pass, sidle around SH1993 and return back down the ridge to Guthega. 11 km, 350 m ascent, 500 m descent. Suitable for expe rienced off-track walkers. Weather dependent. Image credit: Geehi Bushwa lking Club. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR