BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Group Caving & Abseiling - Wee Jasper UID:20250222T083000-3222@ DTSTART:20250222T083000 DTEND:20250222T160000 DTSTAMP:20250222T083000 GEO:-35.138969;148.674985 DESCRIPTION:Want to try something new? Need to get started on your 2025 New Year's Resolutions? This may be the activity for you! This activity will be organised for CBC by Guided Outdoor Adventures. We will meet at Fitzpatrick Tracked Camping ground. Group A Visit 2 caves. The first cav e is called Enigma. Enigma has one level only Grade Easy The second cave is called Signature. A headline needs to go to the bottom cave entrance . Signature Cave has three levels. It is well-decorated with lots of fos sils to see. Grade Easy Group B Walk to the Punchbowl Devil Wall. 50m ab seil. Lunch break Then Group B will visit Enigma and Signature Cave, and Group A will abseil into Punchbowl Devil Wall. Guided Outdoor Adventure s will provide the guides and activity-related gear (helmets, harnesses, head torches, abseiling gear, first aid kit, cave entry fees, etc). The cost of this activity is $190 per person. Both a Liability Waiver and M edical form will need to be completed before the day of the activity. I will provide you with these forms upon acceptance of your participation. We will meet there at 8.20am for an 8.30am start. The activities will c onclude around 4pm. We can discuss carpooling closer to the time. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR