BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Mt Mouat (aka The Fortress) UID:20250321T170000-3214@ DTSTART:20250321T170000 DTEND:20250323T123000 DTSTAMP:20250321T170000 GEO:-35.741806;148.88973 DESCRIPTION:A weekend walk to Mt Mouat (aka 'The Fortress'). Starting la te Friday afternoon from the Yankee Hat car park, we walk for about an h our following various trails and off-track sections to a clearing near B ogong Ck and camp for the night. Starting early on Saturday and with day packs, we head up Bogong Ck for few klms then start the main climb to a saddle between Mt Gudgenby and Mt Mouat, then follow the ridge north to Mt Mouat. We return to the saddle and if time permits, we head south to some interesting rocks to the north of Mt Gudgenby. We return to the cam psite either from the saddle, or dropping down a major spur from Mt Gudg enby. Another night at the campsite, then a leisurely rise and packup, a nd mid-morning return to the cars. Plan is to be back in Canberra by lun chtime. A shortish, mainly off-track weekend walk suited to those who wo rk full time. Note there will be some quite scrubby, rocky and steep sec tions to negotiate. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR