BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Bullen Range - Spine of the Dragon UID:20250129T080000-3213@ DTSTART:20250129T080000 DTEND:20250129T133000 DTSTAMP:20250129T080000 DESCRIPTION:Bookings not required for Wednesday Walks Leader: Garry B (g for CBC A loop walk entirely off-track starting and f inishing with a crossing of the Murrumbidgee River. We start with a rock hop across of the river, then head up an unnamed creek, followed by a s teep climb to a high point on a spur. We then head north along the spur finishing with a steep, rocky descent down a spiny, razorback section, a nd recross the river back to the cars. The creek is stoney, with a littl e scrambling, a few patches of scrub and some lovely giant kurrajong tre es. The spur is largely open forest, with tree-filtered views over Tugge ranong in places. Suggest bringing scrub gloves, gaiters, eye protection , water, morning tea, lunch etc. Opportunity for a refreshing swim at th e completion of the walk. Map: Tuggeranong 8727-3S 1:25,000 Meet: Kambah Village Shops leaving at 0800 am Drive: 15km return, $7 per vehicle, ab out $1.75 each Weather: Will most likely be warm to hot so bring plenty of water. Note: If river is too high to safely cross, then alternate wal k may be offered Those doing their first Wednesday walk and also prospec tive walkers who are not members of the BBC, NPA or CBC clubs must conta ct the leader to discuss the level of difficulty of the walk. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR