BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Wednesday Walk NPA sponsored E/M UID:20250122T080000-3211@ DTSTART:20250122T080000 DTSTAMP:20250122T080000 DESCRIPTION:Bookings not required for Wed Walks. Mt Majura Circuit START TIME: 8:00 LEADER: John Kelly Mobile: 0400 581 303 WALK DESCRIPTION: As the forecast is for a hot day I aim to start early and finish before lu nch. The walk is about 60/40 on and off track with some steepish ascents /descents on loose surfaces. There will be the odd fence to climb under or over. I recommend gloves for some of the off-track sections. The rout e will begin cross-country through the Majura horse paddocks, pick up th e Centenary trail and head north for about two km and then ascend steepl y on a rough track through woodland to Mt Majura Rd (we won't summit). F rom here we'll proceed to the Majura Pines for morning tea via a little used track passing farmlands in the Majura Valley. Yet more pines on fir etrail and bushtrack to the twin Hackett dams, and back to the cars thro ugh flat open bush-land, behind the suburb Hackett. GRADING: M / E. DIST ANCE: 10 km (approx) TOTAL HEIGHT CHANGES: 250 metres (approx.) WEATHER FORECAST: The Canberra forecast for Wednesday (as of Sunday) is for a ra nge of 15 to 32 degrees, with a slight chance of a shower MAP: Hall 1:25 ,000 or ACT 1:100,000 MEETING TIME & PLACE: 7:50am at the Antill St, Hac kett entrance to Mt Majura. We'll start the walk at 8 am. DRIVING DISTAN CE: Self drive TRANSPORT COST: NA Please bring lots of water, sunscreen, a hat and gloves. Those doing their first Wednesday walk should contact the leader to discuss their fitness to do the walk. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR