BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Stockyard Spur to Pryors Hut - Mt Gingera UID:20250119T083000-3205@ DTSTART:20250119T083000 DTEND:20250119T173000 DTSTAMP:20250119T083000 GEO:-35.534614;148.834894 DESCRIPTION:For those making a late decision to do a day walk this weeke nd, you can join the leader in getting a decent workout climbing Stockya rd Spur to get to the summit of Mt Gingera. (There is the option of turn ing around at Pryors Hut, if there is a decision to keep the walk to thi s shorter option.) The trail is through attractive bushland, with snow g ums being a notable feature, and there are excellent views from the Mt G ingera summit plateau. There is a sustained steep ascent up from Corin D am Road, where we start the walk (and, correspondingly, a steep descent at the end of the day's walk). We walk to the junction with Mt Franklin Road and then follow that road (no public vehicle access) for 1km to Pry ors Hut. From there we walk about another 1km along the road and take a footpad to the summit area of Mt Gingera. We return along the same route . Participants should be fit enough to comfortably make the 1120m ascent . URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR