BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Byangee Walls & Pigeon House Panoramic views of the Budawangs! UID:20250314T140000-3204@ DTSTART:20250314T140000 DTEND:20250316T170000 DTSTAMP:20250314T140000 GEO:-35.3211808;150.1892243 DESCRIPTION:Friday: Leave Canberra 2pm for Long Gully campground (3hr dr ive) Saturday: Byangee Walls & Pickering Point (506m) Byangee Walls is a n incredible formation with a flat mountain top. We aim to do the full l ength to Pickering point and back. Full day walking (8-10hrs), 15km and some rock scrambling with a 886 elevation gain. Sunday: Pigeon House (72 0m) Pigeon house is a distinctive peak and we will have to another chanc e to bag another classic Budawang summit. A shorter 7km but still testin g with 460m elevation gain (3hrs). There will be a series of metal ladde rs to reach the summit so confidence with heights, good mobility, fitnes s and a decent moderate walking pace is required for both days. If time allows and the group would like, we can do a beach trip on the way back where I will do a mini movement workshop. This will introduce you to som e bodyweight exercises and plyometric movement to help improve mobility. This trip is co led by Ana Vrancic, if I have not walked with you yet p lease indicate your experience in the booking comments. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR