BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Wednesday walk BBC sponsored E/M UID:20250115T083000-3202@ DTSTART:20250115T083000 DTSTAMP:20250115T083000 DESCRIPTION:**No bookings required for Wednesday Walks** East Jerrabombe rra Nature Reserve - Easy/Medium Wednesday Walk Leader: Leigh Hermann, 0 417 147 260, This walk explores a shady patch of eucalypt woodland bordered on the west by Jerrabomberra estate, on the n orth by Edwin Land Parkway, and Old Cooma Road to the east. It is a walk ing and mountain biking area (see map 'Jerra Trails', https://www.trailf also known as Stringybark Bushland Reserve. Features include a shady flowing creek, a treehouse and ‘Mum' s Spot’, and some views. Bring morning tea, and lunch to enjoy at Fox Hollow just before the end of the morning walk. Also bring plenty of wat er as it will be a hot day (note the forecast max of 34C). We will avoid some of the climb if it is too hot. Distance: 9 km. Climb: 200 m. Terra in: mostly track and footpad with a shortish section of off-track. At ti mes rocky and gravelly, so poles may be helpful. Map: Tuggeranong. Meeti ng point: Because of limited parking at the start of the walk we will me et at Jerrabomberra Community Centre carpark, 25/31 Jerrabomberra Parkwa y. Take the Jerrabomberra Parkway exit from the big roundabout, then tak e the first right. Take care to avoid the 2-hour parking section. From h ere we will car-pool for 5 minutes to the start of the walk at Turner Pl ace. Meeting time: 8.20 am for an 8.30 am departure. Weather forecast fo r Queanbeyan: partly cloudy, min 15, max 34, 60% chance of up to 6mm rai n in the afternoon/evening, with a possible thunderstorm. Those doing th eir first Wednesday walk and also prospective walkers who are not member s of the BBC, NPA or CBC clubs must contact the leader to discuss the le vel of difficulty of the walk. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR