BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Hannels Spur Track to Mt Kosci ....... Cancelled due car transpo rt problems UID:20250124T130000-3190@ DTSTART:20250124T130000 DTEND:20250127T180000 DTSTAMP:20250124T130000 DESCRIPTION:Experienced off-track Multi days bushWalkers are still welco me! There is space available in our cars for more Kosci adventurers. Joi n us! Going up Hannels Spur Track to Mt Kosci. we camp up there, and we do climb few peaks (Abott Peak, Alice Rawson Peak and few more) up there on our 2nd day, before going down on Monday to our cars at Thredbo we c limb more peaks (Rams heads), i have done the camping spot reservation f or 6 people $6 (1st night; Travel day), 8 people/ 2 cars would best to h ave; to reduce our travel cost per person, if 8 people we need a 2nd cam ping booking made .... Depends on the weather on the selected days, and who is around over those days. Please create a booking for this event, a nd we can go further for planning; where we go, etc. .... If you can't d o all days; let me know the days that you can do .... I have nothing on, so I thought, I would go hiking ..... URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR