BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Medium-Hard Wednesday walk - McKeahnie Trig UID:20250108T080000-3189@ DTSTART:20250108T080000 DTEND:20250108T160000 DTSTAMP:20250108T080000 GEO:-35.544178;148.891096 DESCRIPTION:**No bookings required for Wednesday Walks.** Starting from the Square Rock car park, we will walk up the groomed trail towards Squa re Rock but take the left branch to the Orroral Valley Lookout rather th an continuing to Square Rock itself. The rest of the walk is off-piste. We will keep going over the lookout, and descend a steep slope in a sout h westerly direction to a creek. This part of the walk is hard going but it is studded with massive boulders that can be climbed for views down to Orroral Valley. After crossing thick scrub around the creek, the rest of the journey to McKeahnie Trig is pretty open up until the final asce nt. After lunching at McKeahnie Trig we will then descend to the Corin R d and complete a car shuffle back to the Square Rock car park. This walk is tough in parts so bring gloves, gaiters, glasses and long pants. The weather should be excellent for walking but the scrub might be wet foll owing rain. We should cover 10km in about 7 hours including stops, with an elevation gain of about 480m. Total distance around 10km (CBC distanc e of 15km). Elevation gain of 480 metres. CBC grading M/R, BBC grading 1 0. MAP: Corin Dam 1:25000. MEETING TIME AND PLACE: Kambah Village shops (Marconi Cres, opposite petrol station). 7.50am ready for 8.00am departu re. DRIVING DISTANCE: 70km (suggesting $30 per car or $10 per passenger assuming three passengers). Because this is a Wednesday Walk, no booking s are required. Those doing their first Wednesday walk and also prospect ive walkers who are not members of either the NPA, BBC or CBC clubs must contact the leader to discuss the level of difficulty of the walk. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR