BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Tahmoor Canyon and Mermaid Pools UID:20250104T060000-3187@ DTSTART:20250104T060000 DTEND:20250104T200000 DTSTAMP:20250104T060000 DESCRIPTION:We'll be going on a 9km loop trail (350m climbing) near Barg o encompassing the Tahmoor Canyon and Mermaid Pools that cross dense euc alypt forest and then goes deep into the canyons. Mermaid Pools is a sac red Aboriginal site and we'll not swim there. If it's super hot we'll lo ok for another safe spot for a swim. I expect though that we'll get wet on the trail crossing creeks etc so waterproofed packs and grippy walkin g shoes are necessary. This is a good practice run for people who are pl anning on joining Bruce Barnett's canyoning program later this month. Th is is an exploratory walk for me so I'll be going off published notes. T he drive is 2 hrs there and 2hrs return to Canberra (404km all up!). So we'll start super early - do the walk - then return home the same day. I 'm aiming to car pool as this saves fuel, the environment and is more so cial. BOM Meteye forecasts a hot day (31 degrees) with 30 per cent chanc e of 0mm of rain. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR