BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Rob Roy Range Nature Reserve UID:20250119T070000-3182@ DTSTART:20250119T070000 DTEND:20250119T120000 DTSTAMP:20250119T070000 GEO:-35.457351;149.091444 DESCRIPTION:This walk is partly exploratory in nature. Much of the walk will be off-trail, criss-crossing the undulating landscape exploring var ious aspects (gullies, spurs, creek lines, knolls, grassy woodlands etcâ €¦) of the Northern section of the Rob Roy Nature Reserve. Starting in t he north, the plan is to head along foot pads and off trail south west u ntil we join the fire trail leading to Big Monks. From Big Monks we head off trail though woodland forests to the north east before veering nort h to our starting point. The walk will have some steep sections and rock y/grassy slopes that may be slippery and/or unstable under foot with var ying thickness of vegetation from open grasslands to moderate-thick scru b. Walking pole(s) might be useful at times and gaiters and/or long pant s a must to protect legs. Hike fit: The linear distance of 9km with an a djustment for elevation gain of 500m makes this equivalent to a 14km hik e. Given the nature of the terrain (surface, vegetation, steepness) and the length/elevation gain/loss the hike is likely to be moderately stren uous, take approximately 4.5hrs to complete and best suited for walkers with a good level fitness, whom are comfortable off track and in the las t 3 months have hiked regularly and completed successfully at least one club hike equivalent to a grading of “M”/”M”. Nature Connection: Please note this walk will involve deliberate periods of quiet, attenti ve, and reflective mindful walking/sitting to foster a more immersive ex perience of and deeper connection with the country we will be walking in . URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR