BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:River Crossing Training UID:20250223T120000-3179@ DTSTART:20250223T120000 DTEND:20250223T173000 DTSTAMP:20250223T120000 GEO:-35.534126;148.834766 DESCRIPTION:An opportunity to learn safer ways to cross rivers. Particul arly recommended for anyone contemplating walking in NZ or Tasmania. The course will cover assessing a river and choosing a crossing place, solo crossing techniques, team crossing techniques, and a demonstration, in which you can participate if you wish, of swimming with a pack. Particip ants in previous courses have found it a lot of fun. The instructors - K eith Thomas, Steve Halpin and Lorraine Tomlins - are CBC leaders with ex perience in river crossing, but are not formally accredited in any way. The location is below Corin Dam. We will leave Canberra around 12:00 pm and should be back by 5.30 pm. Families with children 10 years and over are welcome, with a maximum of one child per accompanying adult. Booking s are essential for all participants. If you are booking for children, p lease provide their names and ages and swimming competence when you book in the box 'Do you have any further details to add?' URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR