BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Trekking in Mongolia UID:20250619T000000-3173@ DTSTART:20250619T000000 DTEND:20250710T000000 DTSTAMP:20250619T000000 GEO:49.769244;91.359237 DESCRIPTION:Bookings closed 21 Jan 2025. Joint trip with CMW club. Place s have been booked by CMW members. This is a repeat of the 2019 and 2023 successful trips undertaken by CBC members. Two walks with Mongolia Exp editions: (a) Kharkhiraa Turgen Peaks area in NW Mongolia, 8 days walkin g beside lakes and rushing rivers among snow-capped peaks (b) Altai Moun tains in Western Mongolia, 8 days walking at elevation of 2000-3000m wit h optional side trip to climb snow covered Malchin Peak 4051m above glac iers. Tour total 22 days. olia-trekking-tours/30/Altai+Mountain+Trek/ https://www.mongolia-expedit -tour/ We only carry day packs. The route is mostly on tracks but some s ections are rocky. There are some interesting creek crossings where you may get wet and cold. Experienced multi-day walkers only, ability to wal k up to 25km per day, ascents/descents 800m per day, 3000m passes, good balance on scree slopes and track record of getting along well with othe rs on extended trips. Cost includes flights within Mongolia, transfers, accommodation in hotels and tents, all meals while walking. Itinerary in cludes rest days and some cultural visits. Tour cost USD$3565 to USD$486 0 depending on group size. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR