BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Beat The Heat On And Off The Beaten Track: Two Sticks Hill UID:20250120T071500-3169@ DTSTART:20250120T071500 DTEND:20250120T150000 DTSTAMP:20250120T071500 GEO:-35.244408;148.951022 DESCRIPTION:This walk aims to provide a little adventure while avoiding the worst of the summer heat. We will have an early start and aim to fin ish in time for people to be back for an afternoon at home. The walk sta rts from the carpark at the junction of Sherwood Rd and Mountain Creek R d and follows Sherwood Rd through the pine plantations behind Sherwood H omestead. We will wend our way to a creek at the southern spur of Two St icks Hill and then bash our way up that spur to the summit, meeting some minor tracks as we go. As we gain height we get views of the nearby Bri ndabella National Park through the trees. The Two Sticks summit is not s pectacular but you win bragging rights for its conquering. Faint trails and some bashing take us back to a fire trail at a saddle and then steep ly down that fire trail with unusually-framed views of Cotter Dam and th e NASA Deep Space dishes. We then retrace our steps with a side visit to Dowling Trig and the most spectacular views of all. This part of the wa lk is exposed but we will make use of the cover of pine plantations and bushland where we can. Bring poles, gaiters, sunglasses and safety glass es, water, and sufficient food for a couple of snack stops. Meet at the picnic area on the western side of Uriarra Crossing (just by the toilet blocks immediately off Uriarra Rd after crossing the river) to leave at 7:15am. 12 Km round trip - $6/car or $3 per passenger for three passenge rs URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR