BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Beat The Heat Off The Beaten Track: Deadmans Hill Loop UID:20250113T071500-3168@ DTSTART:20250113T071500 DTEND:20250113T150000 DTSTAMP:20250113T071500 GEO:-35.557088;148.992097 DESCRIPTION:This walk aims to provide a little adventure while avoiding the worst of the summer heat. We will have an early start and aim to fin ish in time for people to be back for an afternoon at home. The walk sta rts from the Booroomba Rocks car park as if we were walking along the AA WT down to Bushfold Flats. After a short distance, we leave the AAWT and hug the southern slope of the Booroomba Creek valley which is the north ern slope of Deadmans Hill. We traverse this slope off track for about a kilometer and then bash our way up to the summit of Deadmans Hill itsel f and back down its western ridgeline to the Booroomba Rocks car park on ce again. The summit ridgeline of Deadmans Hill is quite scrubby and slo w going, but you win bragging rights for its conquest and every now and then we will be rewarded by unconventional views across to Booromba Rock s, down to Honeysuckle Creek and out towards the wilds of Namadgi. Hopef ully this ridge will also provide a measure of shade and, at one point, we should be able to stop in a small cave for a rest. Bring gaiters, sun glasses and safety glasses, water, and sufficient food for a couple of s nack stops. Meet at Lanyon Marketplace behind McDonald's to leave at 7:1 5am. 60 Km - $27/car or $9 per passenger for three passengers. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR