BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Beat The Heat Off The Beaten Track: Two Loops From Devils Gap UID:20250106T071500-3167@ DTSTART:20250106T071500 DTEND:20250106T150000 DTSTAMP:20250106T071500 GEO:-35.480863;148.940395 DESCRIPTION:This walk aims to provide a little adventure while avoiding the worst of the summer heat. We will have an early start and aim to fin ish in time for people to be back for an afternoon at home. The walk sta rts from Woods Reserve and follows a creek up to the Corin Rd before joi ning a walking track to Devils Gap. We then walk off-track in a northern loop that includes rock slabs with excellent views of the Tidbinbilla v alley and two nice saddles along the higher ridgeline. After descending to Devils Gap once more, the southern "loop" climbs up a narrow track to the summit of Hill 1172 and back down again. Some interesting rocks and spectacular views down the Corin valley and up the Tidbinbinbilla valle y are the rewards for this second loop but it is steep in parts. The wal k finishes with the transition back down to Woods Reserve. If people wan t to, we can paddle in Gibraltar Creek before heading back. Bring gaiter s, sunglasses and safety glasses, water, and sufficient food for a coupl e of snack stops. Meet at Lanyon Marketplace behind McDonald's to leave at 7:15am. 38 Km - $18/car or $6 per passenger for three passengers URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR