BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Wednesday Walk E/M BBC sponsored 18 December(only one walk this Wed.) UID:20241218T083000-3165@ DTSTART:20241218T083000 DTSTAMP:20241218T083000 DESCRIPTION:Bookings not required for Wed walks. QUEANBEYAN RIVER WALK L eader – Anthony Mollett, contact 0419 979 471 or D escription: While you have probably walked Canberra's Bridge to Bridge w alk, I would argue Queanbeyan's own version is prettier with lots of bir d life, stunning big trees and the frisson of avoiding getting killed by a stray golf ball. Walk west across the bridge and turn left to follow the path through Glebe Park, a short walk along Crawford Street before t urning down Kathleen Street and following the riverside path all the way to the Ellerton Drive Bridge. After crossing the bridge we take a goat track close to the river, including a low plank crossing to a spot under some enormous shady silver poplars where we will stop for a tea break. A little further along the track joins a gravel road which after a kilom etre or so terminates at the golf club and a sign informing the public t hat entry is at your own risk. The last stretch is a pleasant stroll thr ough the course following the red steel posts which keep you close to th e river and reasonably clear of all but the most wayward hooks or slices from the golfers. Meet on the east side of the Queanbeyan Suspension br idge (off Trinculo Place, next to Queanbeyan Golf Course). Time: 8:20am for an 8:30am start. There should be plenty of parking adjacent to the g olf club on Booth Street and on and off Trinculo Place. Grade: Easy (6), distance 7.7km, . It will be hot, so bring water. Maps: Canberra, Tugge ranong 1:25,000. Weather: 14-29 degrees, partly cloudy URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR