BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Canyoning in the Blue Mountains area - TRIP FULL UID:20250116T070000-3164@ DTSTART:20250116T070000 DTEND:20250122T210000 DTSTAMP:20250116T070000 GEO:-33.500152;150.390907 DESCRIPTION:Monika B and I will be putting on 7 days of canyoning in the Blue Mountains area. Our aim is to give participants new to canyoning a taste of what canyoning is about without needing to abseil. And for par ticipants who did our trip/ course in January 2024 or those that have pr evious abseiling experience there will be the choice of both abseil or n on-abseil canyons. We will have two car camps - one at Mt Wilson of 2 ni ghts and one on the Newnes Plateau of 4 nights. The list of non-abseil c anyons we could do include any of the fabulous Wollangambe canyon lower ( the part we didn’t do last time), Du Faur canyon, Bell Creek canyon, Dargans Creek Canyon, Sheep Dip/Rocky Creek Canyon, Closet, Breakfast C reek and River Caves Canyon. The list of abseil canyons could include Bo wens, Whingee Whungee, Fridge, Breakfast Creek, Tiger Snake, Galah. Ther e’ll be an optional abseil canyon available on some or all days as lon g as participants have completed a non-abseil canyon first and if we hav e sufficient leaders. Canyoning is an advanced level of off-track activi ty which demands physical and mental tolerance to slippery, wet and cold conditions as well as technical (eg abseil) skills. While we don't requ ire participants to have technical rope skills, they will need to be phy sically fit and flexible, with good balance and capable of swimming at l east 25 metres with a pack. Participants have the option of doing all or some of the 5 days. Bookings will only be confirmed as valid if: - the interested participant has attended the abseil training and pre-trip mee ting which will cover: abseil technique and practice, ropework skills, w hat to expect in the canyon and appropriate gear to bring. This will be listed as a separate event on the programme. - or is a canyon leader or an experienced canyoner already. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR