BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Introduction to Hammock Camping UID:20250112T090000-3155@ DTSTART:20250112T090000 DTEND:20250112T110000 DTSTAMP:20250112T090000 GEO:-35.249531;148.953052 DESCRIPTION:Sick of sleeping on the ground like a common pleb every time you do a multi-day hike? Wondering if there could be a more comfortable option? There is! Hammock camping opens a range of campsite options not suitable for tents and offers unparalleled backwoods comfort. The trade -off is increased complexity, a reliance on suitable anchor points (tree s), and a sometimes dizzying array of gear choices. In this crash course participants will be walked through the anatomy of a camping hammock, s ite selection, safety, what to do when there are no trees, and practical skills to increase comfort and reduce the chances of untimely death. If you have a camping hammock but aren’t confident in its use, please br ing it along. 
If you have experience hammock camping and would like t o aid in the training, please let me know. The main body of information should be well and truly covered in less than two hours, but I can waffl e on for hours answering questions and I’m happy to hang around as lon g as necessary to provide hands-on guidance to whoever wants it. Optiona l further sources of information: [The Ultimate Hang](
https://theulti [Shug on Youtube]( com/watch?v=d7NZVqpBUV0&list=PLB8752777861C2AA8) [Hammock Forums](https: // [Dream Hammock's knowledge base](ht tps:// ![high above the creepy cr awlies]( /2012/11/hammock-off-the-bugs.jpg?resize=535%2C529&ssl=1) URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR