BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Medium Day walks from Guthega and Charlotte’s Pass (CP)(Waitli st started) UID:20250224T090000-3149@ DTSTART:20250224T090000 DTEND:20250228T160000 DTSTAMP:20250224T090000 DESCRIPTION:A number of day walks from Guthega, and Charlotte’s Pass, including Tate and/or the Rolling Ground, or Mt Anton, from Guthega, Fro m CP, are Watsons Crags and Twynam then down to Headley Tarn, or even ba ck down to Guthega. Or Mt Stillwell and East Ramsheads and maybe the old Chairlift. Another option is Mt Carruthers, Mt Northcote and Mt Clark a nd then back to the Snowy River stone crossing; there are a number of ot her options from any of these, so the group can decide. Also, some easie r half day walks on the first and last days. The 3 full days will each i nvolve around 13-17km distance, with altitude gains of around 400-700m, mostly on formed trails, but with some off-track walking through mostly open ground and some medium scrub and rocky patches. We will be staying at one of the BSC lodges which have good views over the snowies. All roo ms have an ensuite, with most, if not all, people having their own room if there are no other members staying. There is also a large commercial kitchen. People can opt for either shared meals or do your own. Accommod ation cost around $42 pp per night, (actual cost will be announced when I have latest info for 2025). Limited numbers Leader: John Danaro (danar ) Map: Mount Kosciusko 1:50,000. Transport: around $180 per car, plus park entrance fees. . URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR