BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Peaks of the Balkans and Grebaje Valley - Montenegro, Albania an d Kosovo UID:20250904T000000-3145@ DTSTART:20250904T000000 DTEND:20250926T000000 DTSTAMP:20250904T000000 GEO:42.591279;19.935974 DESCRIPTION:[TRIP FULL. WAITLIST STARTED.] The Peaks of the Balkans trai l is a 192km circuit that passes through the spectacular mountainous bor der areas of south-eastern Montenegro, northern Albania and western Koso vo. We will start and finish the circuit at the Montenegrin town of Plav . The intention is to allow 23 days for this walking tour. The ‘standa rd’ time for the Peaks of the Balkans is 10 days. We will also do a nu mber of side-excursions from the trail, including walking to the summits of some of the peaks in the area. We will base ourselves in the Albania n village of Theth for several days, and do some day-walks from there. A t the end, we will spend 2-3 days in the spectacular Grebaje area, adjac ent to the standard Peaks of the Balkans route. And several rest days ar e also factored in. The Peaks of the Balkans trail is generally medium i n difficulty but with some more demanding sections (and easier sections) ; some of the day excursions will be strenuous. We will do the walk inde pendently, i.e. without using a commercial guiding service. There is sub stantial information available on this walk, including the official webs ite: Among other resources, we will use the following guidebooks: Cicerone guides “Trekking the Peaks of the B alkans’ and ‘Trekking the Mountains of Montenegro’ and ‘Peaks of the Balkans’ by Bosse & Bosse-Steinweg (in German). Participants will need to carry their own gear but the use of guesthouses and cabins mean s that backpacks can be kept relatively light. Parts of the walk will be physically demanding, requiring ascents/descents of 1000m+. Participant s should have experience in multi-day walks carrying a backpack. Those i nterested in this trip should register their interest on Bilby; the lead er can provide further information, including a proposed itinerary. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR