BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Summer fitness walk - Black Mountain #2 of 4. UID:20250113T183000-3132@ DTSTART:20250113T183000 DTEND:20250113T203000 DTSTAMP:20250113T183000 GEO:-35.27034;149.108591 DESCRIPTION:This is part of the Club's Fitness walk series, with walks h eld over 4 weeks on Monday evenings at Black Mountain Nature Reserve (We ek 1: 6th Jan, Week 2: 13th Jan, Week 3: 20th Jan & lucky last Week 4: 2 7th Jan). l plan to do the uphill sections at a moderate pace, however t he downhill sections will be slower. Planned Route: From our starting po int, we soon veer off the main fire trail towards the Summit Path, to go along the Botanic Gardens trail approx 200m till reaching the first tra ck going up that connects with 'Hat band' / Forest loop (73m climb). Hav e bit of a breather along the Hat Band (flat), before linking up with an other bush track (narrower, 36m climb) that intersects with the Summit p ath. The bush tracks going up are very distinct, however rocky underfoot and gravelly. Once reaching the top, we then head down on the Summit pa th (formed concrete path) till reaching the junction with the 'Hat Band '/ Forest Loop track. At the junction, we turn onto the Hat Band track h eading anticlockwise and continue approx 100m till reaching a small fore st track going down, which connects with Black Mountain Road fire trail. On a wide and steep fire trail, we then loop back up to connect with th e Summit path and climb to the very top again (100m climb). We reach the top twice, however the second time is not from the very bottom, already half way up! From the top, we then head back down along the Summit path to our cars. You can view these tracks on Friends of Black Mountain wal ks ( We will follow t he same route Week 1 and Week 2, however have a slight variation in the climb for Week 3, and it requires a little more effort. The breather alo ng the 'Hat Band'/Forest loop is also removed. This is repeated for Week 4. Please book on bilby. If the activity needs to be cancelled (too hot , or wet), booked participants will be notified on day of the walk by 5. 00pm. Please be ready to start walking at 6.30pm. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR