BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Gavels Hut area, Kosciusko National Park UID:20241130T070000-3121@ DTSTART:20241130T070000 DTEND:20241201T170000 DTSTAMP:20241130T070000 GEO:-35.867417;148.635845 DESCRIPTION:A weekend walk in the northern part of Kosciuszko National P ark – overall, on the easier side of ‘medium’ in terms of difficul ty, despite a reasonably long first day and an off-track descent on the second day. We will walk from Schofields Trail (which runs off Tantangar a Rd) on relatively flat terrain to Gavels Hut (5½km), where we leave o ur tents and other overnight gear. Carrying just day-packs, we’ll walk a 16km circuit on fire-trails during the afternoon, returning to the hu t, where we will camp for the night. Water is available nearby. The seco nd day will be a relatively short walk. We’ll walk up to a ridge that runs north from Gang Gang Mountain and provides some good views, walk no rthwards on the ridge for a while and then descend off-track through rel atively light forest to the cars. We are likely to have finished walking by the middle of the day, allowing a return to Canberra by mid/late-aft ernoon. Suitable to those who are new or relatively new to overnight bus hwalking. The walk will be re-scheduled if the forecast is for hot or we t weather URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR