BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:New Year trek in the Jagungal Wilderness: Historic Huts, Mount G ungartan & the Kerries (XL/R/W/X) UID:20250111T100000-3119@ DTSTART:20250111T100000 DTEND:20250116T170000 DTSTAMP:20250111T100000 GEO:-36.245057;148.545836 DESCRIPTION:A four* night, mostly off-track, circuit of the Jagungal Wil derness area in Kosciusko National Park. The initial part of the trip wi ll pass a number of 19th Century gold mining sites along Diggers Creek o n the Snowy Plains, and each evening will be spent at a different histor ic hut spread among this wonderful and under-visited area of the Great D ivide. As part of the walk we'll traverse the scenic Kerries Range, and momentarily duck out of the Wilderness area to climb Mount Gungartan, wh ich at 2068m is Australia's 13th highest mountain, and also its highest mountain outside of the main range of Kosciusko NP. *The intention is to complete this hike on 15th January. I have allowed an extra day in case the going is slower than anticipated **This trip is for fit and experie nced members with the gear to safely and comfortably tackle a multi-day pack hike in very remote country. The group is small as camp site space is limited. We will pull some long, occasionally very scrubby, days.** URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR