BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:New Year trek in the Jagungal Wilderness: Historic Huts, Mount G ungartan & the Kerries (XL/R/W/X) UID:20250111T100000-3119@ DTSTART:20250111T100000 DTEND:20250116T170000 DTSTAMP:20250111T100000 GEO:-36.245057;148.545836 DESCRIPTION:A four* night, mostly off-track circuit of the Jagungal Wild erness area in Kosciusko National Park. The initial part of the trip wil l pass a number of 19th Century gold mining sites along Diggers Creek on the Snowy Plains, and each evening will be spent at a different histori c hut spread among this wonderful and under-visited part of the Great Di vide. As part of the walk we'll traverse the scenic Kerries Range, and m omentarily duck out of the Wilderness area to climb Mount Gungartan, whi ch at 2068m is Australia's 13th highest mountain, and Australia's highes t mountain outside of the main range of Kosciusko NP. *The intention is to complete this hike on 15th January. I have allowed an extra day in ca se the going is slower than anticipated **This trip is for fit and exper ienced members with the gear to safely and comfortably tackle a multi-da y pack hike in very remote country. The group is small as camp site spac e is limited. We will pull some long, occasionally very scrubby, days.** URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR