BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:A morning wander at Mt Ainslie Nature Reserve UID:20241109T080000-3102@ DTSTART:20241109T080000 DTEND:20241109T111500 DTSTAMP:20241109T080000 GEO:-35.255897;149.160195 DESCRIPTION:Commencing from a footpad on the lower north western side of Mt Ainslie, it's not long before we enjoy some views as we climb up to an unnamed knoll at 770m. A good level of exertion to start with! Then, heading south westerly towards Mount Ainslie Drive, we make our way towa rds the Lower Beacon Track. Staying slightly lower on the western side o f this track, we contour off trail through a lovely open woodland forest with rock formations, till reaching the East 132 Kava Track. Then, we l ink up with the Upper Quarry Track, various footpads and short sections off trail through open woodlands to complete a full circumnavigation of Mt Ainslie. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR