BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:The Castle UID:20241101T140000-3086@ DTSTART:20241101T140000 DTEND:20241103T170000 DTSTAMP:20241101T140000 DESCRIPTION:Leaving on Friday afternoon (2pm), 3.5 hrs driving from Canb erra and car camping at the Yadboro Creek carpark on the Long Gully road , with an early start walk up to the Castle with day pack on Saturday. W e might have a couple of side trips to Clifftop and Nibelung Cave on the way down to check out for a future pack walk up there. We will drive ba ck on Sunday. The Pigeon House is currently closed for track maintenance (between 22 July and 29 November 2024). We may plan something else befo re heading back to Canberra. Walk to the Castle: over 14km with about 96 0m climbing(according to Monika's strava. We cross the river at the begi nning, then rock scramble and climb with ropes. You need confidence with height and rock scrambling. The leader has never been to the Castle bef ore, so it is exploratory for the leader even though the walk is on trac k and some of which may rely on navigation. The leader will have Janice as assistant. In the event of bad weather the trip will be cancelled. Th e walk is for Member only. When requesting a booking, please indicate if you are willing to drive, 4WD is preferable. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR