BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Mt Majura summit fitness walk in December #3of4 UID:20241216T173000-3084@ DTSTART:20241216T173000 DTEND:20241216T191000 DTSTAMP:20241216T173000 GEO:-35.250601;149.168875 DESCRIPTION:Over the month of December a series of weekly walks will be conducted to boost fitness and mindfulness on a moderate rated walk to M ount Majura Summit. The dates of the weekly walks are: Monday evenings d eparting 5:30pm on 2, 9, 16 an 23 December from the MacKenzie Street car park in Hackett. The intention of participating in consecutive walks is to increase fitness levels over the four week period however, if you wou ld like to simply join the walk for one or two evenings, that is fine as well. Mount Majura summit promises magnificent evening views and beauti ful wildflowers at this time of year. Distance to be walked is 5.3km wit h an elevation gain of 258m. Estimated walk time of 1hr 50 min, arriving back at the car park at approx. 7:10pm. If interested in more informati on, itory/mount-majura-from-mackenzie-street URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR