BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Wed walk BBC sponsored 16 October M/H UID:20241016T080000-3079@ DTSTART:20241016T080000 DTSTAMP:20241016T080000 DESCRIPTION:**Bookings not required for Wed Walks.** Medium/Hard Wednesd ay Walk - Wed 16 Oct - Orroral Valley Hill 1339 and Fishlock Yards Leade r: Andrew Cupit (0478309791) The walk starts at the Orroral Tracking Station carpark. We will walk west along the Cotter gap fire trail till we reach Prairie Dog Creek, where we will head main ly north-west off-track towards Hill 1339. We will have lunch and explor e a couple of rocky outcrops around the summit. We will then head east f rom the summit off-track down a steep incline through thick scrub till w e reach the AAWT in Orroral Valley. We will follow the AAWT east next to the Orroral River, past Fishlock Yards then return to the car park on f ire trails. The off-track section varies from light/medium bush on the s ummit to very thick scrub downhill off the summit. Some rock scrambling is possible. Walkers are advised to have gaiters and gloves. Distance: a bout 14km. Climb: 450m. BBC level: Medium (10). Map: Corin Dam. Weather forecast (for Canberra): Min 9 Max 24 Partly cloudy with 25% chance of a t least 1mm. Light winds. Meeting point at Kambah Village shops at 7.45a m in time to leave promptly by 8am. Cars: 86 km ($12 per passenger). Tho se doing their first Wednesday walk and also prospective walkers who are not members of the BBC, NPA or CBC clubs must contact the leader to dis cuss the level of difficulty of the walk. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR