BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Wed walk BBC sponsored 16 October UID:20241016T083000-3078@ DTSTART:20241016T083000 DTSTAMP:20241016T083000 DESCRIPTION:**Bookings not required for Wed Walks.** M/E walk – Warks Camp to Bendora Arboretum, Namadgi NP – 13 km (BBC 8) Leader: Peter We llman (6288 5985). We leave cars at Warks Camp on the Benboora Road, and walk, using Warks and Wombat firetrails, to the arboretum for lunch. We return using Chalet, Moonlight Hollow, Gravel, and Warks firetrails. Th is area has one of the more beautiful forests of the Brindabellas becaus e it is relatively wet with tall trees, and it was not burnt during the fires. The arboretum is the best remaining forestry arboretum. All on lo cked fire trails, none steep. The walk duration is about 6 hours. Map: T idbinbilla. Total height to be climbed is 600 m. Cars: 94 km ($13). Meet at The Weston Creek Tennis Courts car park, in Dillon Close, which come s off Namatjira Drive directly opposite and north of McDonalds at Coolem an Court, leaving at 8:30. Those who are not members of CBC, BBC or NPA or who are doing their first medium-hard walk must contact the leader be fore the walk to discuss suitability, difficulty and other arrangements. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR