BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:(Members Only) Christmas Party: Sunday 15th Dec 2024 from 6pm UID:20241215T180000-3075@ DTSTART:20241215T180000 DTEND:20241215T200000 DTSTAMP:20241215T180000 DESCRIPTION:To be held in the backyard of Janet’s home in Weston Creek , ACT with the address published in page 4, it-Nov-2024, monthly updates . Please bring a folding chair, cutlery, plate, cup, drinks and all your food although the Club will provide some salads. BBQ facilities are ava ilable to those who wish to barbecue. There will be a Jumble Sale of any of your camping gear you wish to sell. Please write clearly your name a nd the price of the item you wish to sell Plus, there will be tasty chut neys, relishes and jams for sale in aid of a Landcare group known as MOT H to which some CBC members belong. Relishes: Zucchini relish, plum & ap ple chutney, fig chutney, tomato & zucchini & apple chutney, tomato reli sh, mango chutney, green tomato relish, plum & capsicum chutney, plum Ka sundi (Indian spice) Jams: plum jam, lemon marma-jam, orange marmalade, lemon marmalade, strawberry jam, blueberry jam All are in $5 jars except the strawberry jam which is in 500g jars selling for $10. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR