BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Monday Fitness Walks up Mt Taylor - from the East UID:20241125T174500-3068@ DTSTART:20241125T174500 DTSTAMP:20241125T174500 GEO:-35.36495;149.072344 DESCRIPTION:For this walk (Monday 25th) plus Monday 2nd Dec I will lead walks up Mt Taylor from the east as part of the CBC's Get Fit program. T he climb to the summit is about 170m on a zig zag track and the total di stance about 3 km return. Great views from the top. We will descend via a different route. Duration would vary from 50 to 90 mins depending on f itness levels. Everyone welcome. No need to book - just turn up. Everyon e must sign the [Risks and Obligations](https://canberrabushwalkingclub. org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/CBC-Acknowledgement-of-risks.pdf) form th at I'll bring with me (click the link for a preview) even if just to rec ord attendance for CBC Members/Guests - I'll add you to Bilby later. Mee ting Place: Please meet me at the car park at the end of Waldock St, Chi fley (turn off MacFarland Cres) on the northern side of Mt Taylor. Pleas e be there by 5.45pm for a 6pm start. If extremely wet it will be cancel led but I will be there to call it. Quentin 0432557410 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR