BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Daylight saving fitness training walk - Mt Majura UID:20241016T193000-3058@ DTSTART:20241016T193000 DTEND:20241016T213000 DTSTAMP:20241016T193000 GEO:-35.239868;149.165338 DESCRIPTION:**FYI Due to work commitments, this specific walk is startin g rather later than the other weekly Majura fitness walks I am hosting. The other three kick off at 5pm** From Antill St carpark we will follow the Rivett St and the Hackett House north tracks, up Blue Metal Road to Majura Pines, and then up the Mineshaft Descent (a steep, gravelly climb ) to the saddle on Mt Majura. From there we will walk out and back to th e summit on the Majura Summit track, then its an all-downhill return to the carpark. The entire walk is on firetrails and marked track. The rout e takes in the steepest tracked sections of Mount Majura and I like to d o it at a fair pace, given it's a fitness event. This is a reasonable tr aining walk with a weighted backpack or the like, but do it however best suits you and your fitness. We will do the same route every week over t he month, so you may see improvement if you do it regularly. Be sure to bring a headlamp. Cheers Kirk URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR