BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:LAST and FOURTH GET FIT DAYLIGHT SAVING Mt Taylor WALK Janet Dun can UID:20241105T174500-3057@ DTSTART:20241105T174500 DTEND:20241105T200500 DTSTAMP:20241105T174500 DESCRIPTION:Hooray!! Our last GET FIT Mt Taylor climb on first Tuesday i n Nov 5th. Who remembers Guy Fawkes Night on That date? Please meet and park your car on the grassed area at the corner of Badamira and Nemarang Strreet in Waramanga by 5.45pm on Tuesday , ready to leave by 6pm From there we will walk under the tunnel and along a track for about 20mins a nd onto the Zigzag track and then begin the steady climb of about 230m o n a well made track to the summit of My Taylor . Reward yourself by look ing at the great views- to the south Tuggeranong Valley, to the north-we sterly Molongo development, Black Mt and Arboretum and easterly to Woden settlements . We will descend via another track and return to your car within an hour or so. As its the last Tuesday I hope you will feel pleas ed that you have achieved a far better time than on the first Tuesday a month ago .And you are welcome to join in a group bbq that night at my p lace which is close by NO NEED TO BOOK JUST TURN UP if extremely wet it will be cancelled Janet Duncan if need contact text 0423 213 679 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR