BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Second Daylight saving Walk Mt Taylor Tuesday 22nd Oct 2024 UID:20241022T174500-3054@ DTSTART:20241022T174500 DTEND:20241022T193000 DTSTAMP:20241022T174500 DESCRIPTION:For the next 3 Tuesdays ,22nd ,29th Oct and 5th Nov I will l ead walks up Mt Taylor as part of a Get Fitness Campaign To the summit a nd return is about 230m climb and about 5km distance. Week 2 ,Oct 22nd w ill be the same route and Week 3 (Oct 29th) and 4 (Nov 5 )meeting at the same place and climbing up via different routes and doing it twice, ie 460m about 6kms Please meet and park your car on the grassed area at the corner of Badamira and the second Nemarang Strreet if coming from Hindm arsh Dv Waramanga by 5.45pm on Tuesdays, ready to leave by 6pm From ther e we will walk under through the underpass and along a level track for a bout 20 mins to the well made track Zigzag track, beginning the steady c limb of about 230m to the summit of My Taylor .. Reward yourself by look ing at the great views- to the south Tuggeranong Valley, to the north-we sterly Molongo development, Black Mt and Arboretum and easterly to Woden settlements . We will descend via another track.and return to your car within an hour or so. Week 3 and 4 will be walking and doing it twice ma ybe with different routes. NO NEED TO BOOK JUST TURN UP if extremely wet it will be cancelled Janet Duncan if need contact text 0423 213 679 URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR