BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:The Overland Track in Winter 2025 UID:20250915T090000-3052@ DTSTART:20250915T090000 DTEND:20250923T180000 DTSTAMP:20250915T090000 GEO:-42.116721;146.177773 DESCRIPTION:Expressions of interest for a late winter trip of The Overla nd Track going South to North in September 2025. At this stage the itine rary would be track transport from Launceston early morning to Lake St C lair. Catch Ferry from LSC to Narcissus hut and walk into Pine Valley Hu t. Two nights Pine Valley Hut exploring what we can. Kia Ora Hut (Long D ay). Pelion Hut via Mt Ossa/Pelion East (Long day). New Pelion Hut two n ights, rest day with option to climb Mount Oakleigh. Windermere Hut (Lon g Day). Waterfall Valley Hut (Short day). Scott Kilvert Hut via Barn Blu ff (Long Day). Dove lake transport to Launceston. The trip is still very much in draft form but the above is 8 nights out and 9 days walking. Cl early, very good equipment is needed as rain, cold, snow, wind and icy t rack are all possible which makes it all the more adventurous and will o f course limit what we can climb and do. A winter trip has more hazards and risks than at other times of the year. All the climbs have a scrambl e and boulders to the summit and are dangerous with snow or wet conditio ns so we will have to take it as it comes. All side trips are optional. A late winter trip gives us a good chance at minimal snow coverage. We w ill use the huts when it suits us but we do need to carry a three season tent each just in case. Happy to discuss experience and gear needs. Gro up costs will include transport from Launceston to LSC, Ferry service, t hen transport from Dove Lake back to Launceston. With a group of six we can pretty much book each section with our own timetable. Each person wi ll need to have their own Tasmania Parks Pass. At this time of year ther e is no track fee for the Overland Track and it can be walked in this di rection from 1 June until 30 September. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR