BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Geoheritage Sites of Canberra by Bike UID:20241020T083000-3051@ DTSTART:20241020T083000 DTEND:20241020T143000 DTSTAMP:20241020T083000 GEO:-35.283203;149.148447 DESCRIPTION:This day cycle is one of three that I intend to lead to visi t the ACT Geoheritage sites that are listed by the Geological Society of Australia (ACT Division) and can be found at Public/Geoheritage/ACT_Sites___Maps.aspx. The sites to be visited are th ose to the east of Northbourne Avenue and south of Adelaide Avenue as sh own on the map at the website. Not all of the sites are in good shape, b ut we will visit them anyway. Because of access issues, we will not visi t either Mugga Mugga Quarry or Parliament House. Cycling will be a mix o f bitumen, gravel and some short sections off-track. There are a couple of steep hills that may need to be walked (both up and down). A mountain bike is preferred and e-bikes are acceptable, but the terrain is not su itable for light-weight road bikes. Most cycling is not on trafficable r oads but we do need to ride on some streets. Helmets and a high-vis vest are compulsory. You will need to bring water and lunch. A bike lock is required because we will leave the bikes and walk to at least one site. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR