BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Molonglo Gorge Nature Reserve- A mindful journey UID:20241020T083000-3044@ DTSTART:20241020T083000 DTEND:20241020T130000 DTSTAMP:20241020T083000 GEO:-35.328786;149.249517 DESCRIPTION:This walk starts with a scenic walk along the Blue Tiles Wal king Trail enjoying the sights and sounds of the Molonglo Gorge. After a short break at the Blue Tiles Picnic Area, we contour around to the Nor th West into the Nature Reserve exploring the mainly open grassy woodlan ds with its numerous spurs and gullies and unused/used fire trails. We w ill drop down one of the spurs to the South West returning to our starti ng point. This part of the walk involves mainly off trail walking, with at times steep sections, possibly slippery and unstable underfoot. Walki ng pole(s) might be useful at times and gaiters are a must to protect le gs. Hike fit: The linear distance of 9.5km with an adjustment for elevat ion gain of 465m makes this equivalent to approx. “14km” hike. Given the nature of the terrain (surface, vegetation, steepness) and the leng th/elevation gain/loss the hike is likely to be “moderately strenuous , take approximately “3.5-4.0hrs” to complete and best suited for walkers with “a good level of fitness”, whom are “comfortable off track” and in the last 3 months have hiked regularly and completed suc cessfully at least one hike equivalent to a club grading of “M”/”M ”. Nature Connection: Please note this walk will involve deliberate pe riods of quiet, attentive, and reflective mindful walking to foster a mo re immersive experience of and deeper connection with the country we wil l be walking in. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR