BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Toddler toddle around Black Mountain (0 to 5 years) UID:20241025T100000-3041@ DTSTART:20241025T100000 DTEND:20241025T120000 DTSTAMP:20241025T100000 GEO:-35.277973;149.098501 DESCRIPTION:Come with us for a short walk on the Forest Loop Walking tra ck. We will go as far as we can before it becomes a bush carry for the l ittle legs with us on the day. Unfortunately, this walk is not suitable for prams as there are a few rocks and steps. You are very welcome to we ar your baby though. We will see and hear lots of birds. We can also see their nesting hollows in the trees. We will have views of different par ts of Canberra depending on how far we walk. This walk is around the mou ntain not up, so it is not steep. Please bring everything your child/ren needs for a walk: hat, water and snacks. We will stop for morning tea a short distance in. Please book on and include in the comments the ages of the child/ren you are bringing with you. Please remember if this is y our 3rd activity with the club we ask that you become a member. Please b e mindful that if your little one is a fast walker they will have to be patient waiting for the slower ones. The carpark for the walk is on the right hand side when driving up the mountain, approximately half way up. We will meet there to start the walk. Please be advised that there are road works on Clunies Ross Road that may interrupt your journey but don' t panic if you are running late. We are okay with this and will wait. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR