BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// Downloader//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Evening Walk: Narrabundah Hill, Duffy UID:20250123T180000-3034@ DTSTART:20250123T180000 DTSTAMP:20250123T180000 GEO:-35.342848;149.026714 DESCRIPTION:A short 7 km walk at Narrabundah Hill which is actually at D uffy, at the western end of Weston Creek. All on fire trails. Mix of pin e and native vegetation. Views to Brindabellas (see pic). One 70m climb to trig. Leader: Quentin. Members / Bilby Guests: Please book although n ot mandatory for this activity. Your booking will be approved automatica lly. If you don't book you'll have to sign the form on the day just to r ecord attendance (see below). New to CBC? To book click the "Can I atten d" button and become a Guest by clicking "Create new Account". (Please e nsure Name, Phone # and Email plus Name & Phone # of Emergency Contact a re visible to Activity Owners.) Alternatively just turn up in which case you must sign the [Risks and Obligations](https://canberrabushwalkingcl form that I'll bring with me. Click the link for a preview. Meet 6pm at bitu men driveway to reservoir on Eucumbene Drive near corner with Hindmarsh Drive, Duffy. Members/Guests: see red balloon on map (logon first). Plea se bring a torch just in case. URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR